Contempt SMP
The Contempt SMP is a creator-run modpack where most of the content mods were made by the players on the server. It's primarily put together by Team Voided, primarily Ender, and mods from all participants, including yours truly!
I've included a mod list below for reference, with our creations at the top:
Our Mods
- Alchimiae Magicae - SSBlur, a mod all about brewing and alchemy, by yours truly!
- Armor Trim Item Fix - MinecraftEinstein, a mod for fixing Armor Trims, all there is to it.
- Astral Arsenal - Astratine, WiredTomato, TheEnderCore, SSBlur, MinecraftEinstein, which adds weapons, magic, and more, this veritable arsenal is a labor of love from the members of the ContemptSMP.
- Burgered - WiredTomato , where you can make burgers. Mmmm burgers.
- Dusk's Biomes - DustAutumnStorm, TheEnderCore, a pack of biomes that makes for a more interesting world.
- Dusks and Dungeons - DustAutumnStorm, TheEnderCore, a mod that adds worldgen, mobs, items, decorations, and more to bring life to your world.
- End, Nu Uh - TheEnderCore, which prevents us from going to the end. It'll get removed once one of us makes an End-based content mod. Theoretically.
- FiredPots - MinecraftEinstein, a new way to craft decorated pots, by firing clay pots.
- KrabNet - TheEnderCore, a sandbox mod which adds various bits and bobs.
- Make It Goth!, a mod for people who like goth stuff.
- Mendable Anvils - MinecraftEinstein, the mod that lets you repair anvils with iron ingots.
- Name Currently on Cooldown - TheEnderCore, a helper to show cooldowns under the crosshair.
- Narrus Yeetus - TheEnderCore, a... what's the opposite of a helper? Basically Ender hates the visually impaired, so they removed the Narrator.
- Nullium - DuskAutumnStorm, TheEnderCore, a collection of features that make the game a bit nicer.
- Sauced - SSBlur, which lets you put sauce on your burgers. Wow!
- Scriptor Magicae - SSBlur, the magic mod where words have power.
- Subtle Effects - MinecraftEinstein, a collection of small details that enhance the feel of the world.
- Tinkers' Bounce Pad - MinecraftEinstein, a port of the Bounce Pad from classic Tinkers' Construct.
- Trowel - TheEnderCore, Astratine, a port of Quarks' Trowel.
- Tweaked Trials - TheEnderCore, DuskAutumnStorm, MinecraftEinstein, a mod that tweaks the Trials Update's additions.
- Unfocused - SSBlur, a library and utility mod. Boooooring.
- Useful Slime - MinecraftEinstein, a mod that makes slime... useful!
- VisibleToggleSprint - TheEnderCore, which makes changes to the toggle sprint and sneak features.
- Voided Delight - TheEnderCore, an addon for Farmer's Delight that adds stuff and makes things work. Lots of compat, very cool.
- Voided Variance - TheEnderCore, DuskAutumnStorm, a suite of vanilla-style items and blocks to make the world feel more cohesive.
- White Pumpkins - MinecraftEinstein, which adds white pumpkins inspired by their appearance in Minecraft: Story Mode.
- World Foundry - DuskAutumnStorm, TheEnderCore, a new world type for mixed worldgen.
All Mods
This is an automatically generated mod list that includes all mods in the pack.
- Alchimiae Magicae [0.2.5-1.21] by SSBlur
- AppleSkin [3.0.6+mc1.21] by squeek502
- Architects Palette [1.4.0.pre-1] by Snakeblock, THX, Smash Brothers, Orisghost, RENREN, Jsburg
- Architectury [13.0.8] by shedaniel
- Armor Chroma [1.2.8] by jobicade, Neecko5b84 (fork)
- Armor Statues [21.1.0] by Fuzs
- Armor Trim Item Fix [1.2.0] by MincraftEinstein
- Astral Arsenal [3.0.1] by Astratine, WiredTomato, TheEnderCore, Blurr, Mincrafteinstein
- Axiom [4.3.3] by Moulberry
- Better Clouds [1.7.6+1.21-fabric] by Qendolin
- Better Night Vision [1.0.2] by Microcontrollers
- Better Ping Display [1.1.1] by Quintinity
- Better Sodium Video Settings Button [4.0.0-alpha.0] by PiemanDev
- BetterF3 [11.0.3] by cominixo, TreyRuffy
- Biolith [3.0.1] by TerraformersMC, gniftygnome
- Biome Tag Villagers [1.2.0] by TheEnderCore, DuskAutumnStorm
- Bobby [5.2.4+mc1.21] by johni0702
- Brainier Bees [1.6] by dopadream
- Burgered [0.1.0-beta.10] by WiredTomato
- Camera Utils [1.21.1-1.0.16] by Max Henkel
- Carry On [2.2.2] by Tschipp, Purplicious_Cow
- Chunky [1.4.16] by pop4959
- Cloth Config v15 [15.0.140] by shedaniel
- Clumps [] by Jared
- Comforts [9.0.3+1.21.1] by Illusive Soulworks
- Common Network [1.0.18-1.21.1] by Mysticdrew
- Continuity [3.0.0+1.21] by PepperCode1
- Controlling [19.0.4] by Jaredlll08
- Custom FOV [9.0.0+1.21] by Illusive Soulworks
- Discord Integration Fabric [] by ErdbeerbaerLP
- Dramatic Doors [1.21.1-3.2.7] by FizzWare
- Dusk's Biomes [1.2.1] by DuskAutumnStorm, TheEnderCore
- Dusks and Dungeons [1.0.0-alpha.5] by Dusk, TheEnderCore
- Dynamic FPS [3.9.0] by juliand665, LostLuma
- EMI [1.1.20+1.21.1+fabric] by Emi
- End, Nu Uh [1.1.0] by TheEnderCore
- EntityCulling [1.7.3] by tr7zw
- Fabric API [0.115.1+1.21.1] by FabricMC
- Fabric Language Kotlin [1.13.1+kotlin.2.1.10] by FabricMC
- Farmer's Delight [1.21.1-2.3.0+refabricated] by MehVahdJukaar, MerchantPug
- FerriteCore [7.0.2-hotfix] by malte0811
- FiredPots [1.0.2] by MincraftEinstein
- Forge Config API Port [21.1.3] by Fuzs
- Fzzy Config [0.6.5+1.21] by fzzyhmstrs
- Highlight [3.0.0] by ThatGravyBoat
- ImmediatelyFast [1.6.1+1.21.1] by RK_01
- Iris [1.8.8+mc1.21.1] by coderbot, IMS212, Justsnoopy30, FoundationGames
- ItemSwapper [0.7.6] by tr7zw
- KrabNet [1.0.0.alpha.2] by TheEnderCore
- Krypton [0.2.8] by tuxed
- Ksyxis [1.3.3] by VidTu
- Language Reload [1.7.2+1.21.1] by Jerozgen
- Lithium [0.14.8+mc1.21.1] by JellySquid, 2No2Name
- Lithostitched [1.4.2] by Apollo
- Make it Goth [1.0.0-alpha.1] by Me!
- Mendable Anvils [1.2.2] by MincraftEinstein
- MmmMmmMmmMmm [1.21-2.0.7] by Mehvahdjukaar, Bonusboni, Gooigipunch, Plantkillable
- Mod Menu [11.0.3] by Prospector, haykam821, TerraformersMC
- Model Gap Fix [1.21-1.6] by MehVahdJukaar
- ModernFix [5.20.2+mc1.21.1] by embeddedt
- Moonlight Lib [1.21-2.17.34] by MehVahdJukaar
- Multi World Borders [1.6.4-fabric-1.20.5-rc2] by Potatoboy9999
- Name Currently on Cooldown [1.0.0] by TheEnderCore
- Narrus Yeetus [1.1.0] by TheEnderCore
- No Chat Reports [1.21.1-v2.9.1] by Aizistral
- Noisium [2.3.0+mc1.21-1.21.1] by Steveplays28
- Not Enough Recipe Book [0.4.1] by OctoStudios
- NotEnoughAnimations [1.9.2] by tr7zw
- Nullium [0.6.0] by DuskAutumnStorm, TheEnderCore
- OctoLib [] by OctoStudios
- Paginated Advancements [2.5.1] by DaFuqs
- Particle Core [0.2.5+1.21] by fzzyhmstrs
- Patchouli [1.21-87-FABRIC] by Vazkii, williewillus
- Placeholder API [2.4.2+1.21] by Patbox
- Polymorph [1.0.7+1.21.1] by Illusive Soulworks
- Puzzles Lib [21.1.29] by Fuzs
- Remove Reloading Screen [5.0.8+mc1.21.1-fabric] by dima_dencep
- Sauced [1.0.4] by SSBlur
- Scriptor [1.4.1] by SSBlur
- Searchables [1.0.2] by Jaredlll08
- Server Pinger Fixer [1.0.5] by JustAlittleWolf
- Simple Fog Control [1.6.0] by Draradech
- Simple Voice Chat [1.21.1-2.5.28] by Max Henkel
- Slotted Armor HUD [1.2.5] by BerdinskiyBear, poq
- Sodium [0.6.9+mc1.21.1] by JellySquid (jellysquid3)
- Sodium Extra [0.6.0+mc1.21.1] by FlashyReese
- Sound Physics Remastered [1.21.1-1.4.8] by Sonic Ether, vlad2305m, Max Henkel, Saint
- Staaaaaaaaaaaack [1.21-1.5-75] by frankV
- StackDeobfuscator [1.4.3+08e71cc] by booky10
- Subtle Effects [1.9.1] by MincraftEinstein
- TakeASeat [1.0.3+mc1.21] by LX86
- TinkersBouncePad [1.6.0] by MincraftEinstein
- Trowel [1.4.0] by TheEnderCore, Astra
- Tweaked Trials [1.0.0] by TheEnderCore, DuskAutumntStorm, MincraftEinstein
- Twigs [1.21-3.2.0] by Ninni
- Unfocused [0.1.65] by SSBlur
- Universal Graves [3.4.4+1.21] by Patbox
- UsefulSlime [1.12.1] by MincraftEinstein
- VisibleToggleSprint [1.7.0] by TheEnderCore
- Voided Delight [1.0.0-beta.2] by TheEnderCore
- VoidedVariance [1.1.1] by TheEnderCore, DuskAutumnStorm
- WhitePumpkins [1.2.3] by MincraftEinstein
- World Foundry [1.1.0] by DuskAutumnStorm, TheEnderCore
- WorldEdit [7.3.8+6939-7d32b45] by EngineHub
- YUNG's API [1.21.1-Fabric-5.1.4] by YUNGNICKYOUNG
- YUNG's Menu Tweaks [1.21.1-Fabric-2.1.2] by YUNGNICKYOUNG
- YetAnotherConfigLib [3.6.3+1.21.1-fabric] by isXander
Some Streams
These are some streams from creators on the server. It's updated occasionally.